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With 3.48 billion people (nearly half of the total World population) using social media, you definitely shouldn’t ignore it for your business. If you aren’t using social media to generate new customers for your business, you are missing out!
Here are 9 quick tips to help your business get started on Social Media
We would recommend setting up Facebook, Instagram and Twitter as a minimum. You can link the accounts and post on all 3 at the same time via the Instagram app to save you time.
You must have a personal Facebook account before setting up as a business page. You may also want to explore YouTube, Pinterest, TikTok, LinkedIn and Snapchat.
Schedule social media time into your weekly diary, otherwise you’ll forget about it. 2 Hours a week is great if you have the time, but even 1 hour a week is enough to make an impact.
Use fantastic looking images, videos and well thought out text when posting. It’s better to produce one great pot a week than several rushed posts with blurry images and spelling mistakes.
If you don’t already, start taking photos of your work. Take before and after photos. Photos of your products, staff, office, materials, equipment etc. Just cleaned your sign written van? Take a nice photo of it. Crop and use filters to make them look even better.
Share industry news, photos and videos or your work/products your updates and latest news, information about your staff, answer customer questions and share your events and special offers.
Ask questions here possible to try and initiate a conversation with your followers. If someone asks a question, messages you or leaves customer feedback, make sure you respond.
Like, comment and share other local businesses posts. They may well do the same for you, helping you to reach new people and potential new customers.
Facebook has loads of local town/village groups, for example the Oxted group has over 14,000 members.Promote your business on these groups (paying attention to the rules) and also look out for people asking for recommendations of local businesses offering your services.
Post relevant hashtags on your instagram posts t make your content more discoverable. Some people follow # so your posts will show up on their feed.
Hashtag ideas for a builder in Warlingham: #localbuilder #warlinghambuilder #warlighamextension #warlingham #Surrey #warlinghambusiness #homeextension #warlinghamproperty
If you haven’t got the time to commit to your business’ essential social media, then please get in touch on 01883 626667 or We’ve been getting brilliant results for businesses like yours and would love to show you how we can help your business get amazing results on social media.
We build beautiful bespoke websites that will help you stand out from your competitors. We also get powerful results through social media and can design and print absolutely anything you need.
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